Wimbledon Business for Edinburgh Locksmith


Strange as it may seem I got some business out of Wimbledon on Friday.
One of the local tennis club members had gone off to watch the tennis and unfortunately one of her offspring managed to loose her keys and was thus unable to get back into the house as Mum was down south at Wimbledon. A couple of mobile calls from Wimbledon and I was on the case. Had the door open in about 5 minutes, new lock fitted and Mum and daughter a lot happier !

Edinburgh Locksmith finds student’s flat security lacking!

Every year I go round about 15 flats owned by a private landlord to carry out a lock inspection and cut extra keys etc if required. It never fails to amaze me how many of the flats are left locked only on the yale lock. One flat I went to yesterday was only on the yale lock and when I tried to test the mortice lock I discovered it was not working due to misalignment with the strike plate on the frame. It was simply that the door had dropped slightly on the hinges, however it was obvious it had not been working for some time as the painters had painted the strike plate and there was not a mark on it.

A nice selection of laptops etc would have been available to anyone that had given the door a quick kick !



Door Locks UK…Burglars can be discouraged, when they find quality door locks

Feeling a bit bored this afternoon ? Why not brush up on your door locks !


Door Locks UK…Burglars can be discouraged, when they find quality door locks.


Insurance Companies Tightening Up On Security.

There has been a definite increase in the number of enquiries regarding home insurance requirements recently. It would seem that some insurance providers are tightening up on what they will accept in the way of locks and security devices. It used to be a “five lever mortice” was sufficient to meet their demands but in nearly all the enquiries I have had recently the insurance companies are stipulating that the lock must conform to BS3621. I tend to fit BS3621 locks to any external door anyway but it’s worth checking your locks to ensure they meet the requirements of your insurance company. If they don’t and you have a claim you might not be covered or the insurance company may reduce their payout to you.

This is the BS kite mark that will be stamped on the faceplate of your lock if it is certified to BS3621. No kite mark = not BS3621.

British Standard 3621

BS Kite Mark