Don’t leave your car keys lying around !

I was called out by one of my existing customers who was looking after their neighbour’s house. The owners had gone off to the other side of the world for a funeral and had asked my customer to keep an eye on things. Unfortunately the first sign something was wrong was when they noticed the owner’s car had gone !

It transpired that the thieves had got in thru’ a very small hopper window, found both house and car keys lying in the hallway, opened the front door and off they went with the car. Fortunately the car was found later undamaged. A new set of locks on the front door and the hopper window secured properly at least meant they wouldn’t be back to help themselves to anything else.

Going away ? …. Hide your spare house keys and car keys so that they can’t be used ! Think about installing a small security safe …. you can get them for about £40 or £50 … a lot lot cheaper than having to replace house and car locks !